Talking about sustainability means talking about a commitment to the future. And when we talk about sustainability, we’re talking about a respect for the environment and a commitment to progress and society.

FMC Group understands that sustainability requires a commitment to quality through the creation of economic, social and environmental value that is linked to adapting to the fluctuations in our environment and promoting the welfare and development of human and geographical interaction.

It is a reflection of our role in society on both a local and global level and a strategy that responds to our desire to serve our community on both a short and long term. It’s about being aware, making decisions and developing responsible action plans in order to meet our current needs without compromising future generations.

We’re aware of the effects that industrial and manufacturing activities have on the environment, and we develop specific actions to minimize risks. To do this, we incorporate the best available technology while taking into account energy efficiency, the use of additives or other harmful products, productivity and pollutant reduction.

Other actions are aimed at reducing pollution, optimizing production, responsible waste treatment, incorporating processes and techniques to complete the recycling cycle at our facilities and the implementation of innovations in our workflow.